Questions from past MBA CET papers (11 to 20):


11. In a certain code GOAL is written AGLO and BEAR is written as ABRE. How is SEND written in that code?

(a) NSDE      (b) NDES      (c) DENS      (d) SNED      (e) None of these

Solution: Simple. Second letter goes to the last place and third letter goes to the first place. Answer: NSDE


12. ‘MP’ is related to ‘OR’ and ‘DG’ is related to ‘FI’ in the same way as ‘RU’ is related to ____.

(a) TX           (b) TW           (c) TY           (d) UW         (e) None of these

Solution: MP becomes OR when you skip a letter and take the next one. R (S Skip) T. U (Skip V) W. Answer: TW


13. In a certain code language ‘Ne Pe Le’ means ‘what is this’, ‘Bo Le Se’ means ‘is that okay’ and ‘Se Ni Di’ means ‘that was easy’. What is the code for ‘okay’ in that language?

(a) Le           (b) Se           (c) Ne           (d) Ni            (e) None of these

Solution: From the first and second code, you get Le = is, from second and third you get Se = that. If you put this in the second code, you get Bo = okay. Answer: None of these


14. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word CREDITABLE each of which has as many letters between them as they have in English alphabet?

(a) One        (b) Two         (c) Three      (d) Four       (e) None of these


C       R       E       D       I         T        A        B       L        E
3       18      5        4        9        20      1        2        12      5

The pairs that satisfy the condition are CE, ED, AB, AD, and AE. Answer: None of these


15. In a certain code ‘PRISM’ is written as ‘OSHTL’ and ‘RUBLE’ is written as ‘QVAMD’. How will ‘WHORL’ be written in that code?

(a) XIPSM     (b) VGNQK   (c) UINSK     (d) EGPQM   (e) VINSK

Solution: Alternate letters are +1 and -1 from the letters in the base word starting with -1.

Answer: W-1, H+1, O-1, R+1, L-1 = VINSK


16. If + means -, – means ÷, ÷ means × and × means +, what is the value of 125 – 5 × 10 ÷ 13 + 28 = ?

(a) 129         (b) 127         (c) 149.15     (d) 150         (e) None of these

Solution: Changing the mathematical operations in the question.

Answer: 125 ÷ 5 + 10 × 13 – 28 = 25 + 130 – 28 = 127


17. In a row of boys facing North, Amit is 5th to the left of Ashok. Alok is 3rd to the right of Amit. Vilas is 3rd to the left of Ashok. Which of the following describes the position of Vilas?

(a) To the immediate right to Amit       (b) To the immediate left to Alok (c) To the immediate right to Alok (d) 3rd to the right of Amit (e) None of these

Solution: Using the mentioned conditions, we get Amit _____ Vilas Alok _____ Ashok as the sequence. This means Vilas is to the immediate left of Alok. Answer: To the immediate left to Alok


18. In a certain code language BROUGHT is written as EOMXDKQ. How is SITTING written in this code language?

(a) PMQQMPC        (b) PMQQPMC        (c) PMMQQPC        (d) BMQQPPC        (e) None of these

Solution: We don’t have to solve this question. As B becomes E, S will become V (+3). None of the options start with V (The actual answer will be S+3, I-3, T-3, T+3, I-3, N+3, G-3). Answer: None of these


19. P is the brother of Q and R, S is R’s mother, T is P’s father. Which of the following statements can not be said to be definitely true?

(a) T is Q’s father   (b) T is S’s husband                   (c) P is S’s son       (d) P is R’s brother (e) Q is T’s son

Solution: From the given information, we get T and S to be married with T being the father and S being the mother of P, Q, R. We don’t know Q’s gender and we can not conclude that Q is a male child. She may be a daughter as well. Answer: Q is T’s son


20. How many 7s are there in the following sequence which are immediately preceded by 4 but not immediately followed by 2?

4 7 2 7 2 3 5 9 7 4 7 5 2 4 7 9 4 7 8 4 7 1

(a) 1   (b) 2   (c) 3   (d) 4   (e) More than 4

Solution: Basically you are looking for the number 47 and you won’t count it if it is 472. You have 4 such cases. 475, 479, 478, 471. Answer: 4

P.S. – Preparing for MBA CET 2016? Attend a free CET workshop by Learningroots.
Date: 9th January 2016
Time: 5.30 pm onwards
Venue: Welingkar Institute of Management, Mumbai.
Register here.

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