The following is a list of commonly confused words that would be helpful in identifying grammatically erroneous sentences, choosing the appropriate word and fill in the blanks type of questions:

21. Amoral, immoral
Amoral: lack of a moral sense
Immoral: not in accordance to the acceptable standards of morality

22. Dominant, dominate
Dominant: having power/influence over others
Dominate: an entity that is dominant

23. Assistant, assistance
Assistant: helper
Assistance: help

24. Allude, elude, allusion, elusion, illusion
Allude: to make indirect reference to
Elude: avoid
Allusion: indirect reference
Elusion: avoidance
Illusion: misleading appearance

25. Already, all ready
Already: by this time
All ready: fully prepared

26. Bore, boar
Bore: past tense of bear, drill a hole into, dull
Boar: a wild, male pig

27. Maybe, may be
Maybe (adverb): possibly (You can meet him, maybe on a Sunday)
May be (verbal construction): possibly (He may be in the office today)

28. Beside, besides
Beside: next to
Besides: in addition to

29. Allot, a lot
Allot: to divide
A lot: many

30. Breathe, breath
Breathe: the process of breathing
Breath: the air taken into the lungs for the process of breathing

31. Dessert, desert
Dessert: a sweet dish served at the end of a meal
Desert: a dry, barren land devoid of vegetation (noun); abandon (verb)

32. Quiet, quite
Quiet: silent
Quite: absolute/complete

33. Angel, angle
Angel: supernatural being, good person
Angle: shape made by joining 2 straight lines

34. Our, hour, are
Our: possessive form of ‘we’
Hour: sixty minutes, a point in time
Are: plural form of “to be”

35. Board, bored
Board: a flat surface
Bored: dull, uninterested

36. Chose, choose
Chose: past tense of choose
Choose: select

37. Raise, race, raze
Raise: increase (noun), bring up (verb)
Race: competition, a geographically isolated group of individuals
Raze: destroy

38. Humane, human
Humane: compassion, benevolence
Human: relating to mankind

39. Then, than
Then: at a point in time either at that very instant or later
Than: introduction of a second element in a comparison

40. Borne, born
Borne: carried/transported
Born: result of birth

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