The following is a list of commonly confused words that would be helpful in identifying grammatically erroneous sentences, choosing the appropriate word and fill in the blanks type of questions:

61. Straight, strut
Straight: not bent or curved
Strut: walk with a stiff, arrogant gait

62. Peddle, pedal
Peddle: sell or promote
Pedal: foot-operated device used to propel a vehicle

63. Your, you are (you’re), yore
Your: possessive form of ‘you’
You’re: contraction of ‘you are’
Yore: a thing of the past

64. Weak, week
Weak: not healthy
Week: duration amounting to seven consecutive days

65. Sense, since
Sense: sight, smell, hearing, taste or touch
Since: from a time mentioned till the present

66. Piece, peace
Piece: a part
Peace: freedom from disturbance, tranquility

67. Lightning, lightening
Lightning: naturally occurring sudden electrical discharge usually accompanied by rain (noun); quick (adjective)
Lightening: to make something lighter

68. Cite, sight, site, scythe
Cite: quote
Sight: the sense of seeing
Site: a designated place
Scythe: a tool used to cut through crops

69. Weather, whether, wither
Weather: state of the atmosphere
Whether: a choice between alternatives
Wither: become dry, decay

70. Proceed, precede
Proceed: begin or continue
Precede: come before

71. Personal, personnel
Personal: belonging to an individual
Personnel: team of employees

72. Later, latter
Later: at a future point in time
Latter: the second of two things mentioned

73. Elicit, illicit
Elicit: evoke, draw out
Illicit: forbidden by law

74. Knew, new
Knew: past tense of know
New: recent

75. Pique, peak, peek
Pique: irritation (noun), thought provoking (verb)
Peak: the topmost point
Peek: quick look

76. Dye, die
Dye: colour
Die: cease to live

77. Ordnance, ordinance
Ordnance: branch of government dealing with weapons/military
Ordinance: an order

78. Further, farther
Further: figuratively at a greater distance
Farther: literally at a greater distance

79. Know, no
Know: be aware of
No: negative

80. Plane, plain
Plane: a flat surface
Plain: simple

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