The following is a list of commonly confused words that would be helpful in identifying grammatically erroneous sentences, choosing the appropriate word and fill in the blanks type of questions:

81. Its, it’s
Its: possessive form of ‘it’
It’s: contraction of ‘it is’

82. Eminent, imminent
Eminent: well-known, important
Imminent: about to happen, impending

83. Plate, plait
Plate: a flat dish
Plait: a formation of interlaced strands of hair

84. Fare, fair, fear
Fear: unpleasant emotion caused due to a threat
Fair: equal, light complexioned
Fare: charge, quality of performance

85. Lose, loose
Lose: unable to win
Loose: not tight

86. Principal, principle
Principal: first in order, main
Principle: fundamental truth or a law

87. Former, formal
Former: the one before
Formal: done in accordance with convention

88. Formerly, formally
Formerly: in the past
Formally: adhering to convention

89. Forth, Fourth
Forth: away from the starting point
Fourth: adjective form of four

90. Diary, dairy
Diary: a notebook used to record events
Dairy: a place where milk and milk products are processed or stored

91. Counsel, Console, council
Counsel: formal advice, a practitioner of law
Console: comfort someone (verb); a small cabinet (noun)
Council: an administrative body of people

92. Dissent, descent
Dissent: disagreement with common notions
Descent: come down from a previous position

93. Coarse, course
Coarse: rough
Course: a path taken

94. Corps, corpse, crops
Corps: a division of the army
Corpse: a dead body
Crops: cultivated plants

95. Conscious, conscience
Conscious: aware
Conscience: a moral sense of right and wrong

96. Hear, here
Hear: the sense of hearing
Here: at a particular place

97. Heard, herd
Heard: the past tense of hear
Herd: a group of animals, usually cattle

98. Stationary, stationery
Stationary: not in motion
Stationery: pertaining to writing and other office materials

99. Cloth, clothe
Cloth: garment
Clothe: the act of putting clothes on someone

100. Altogether, all together
Altogether: completely
All together: all in a group


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