The following is a list of commonly confused words that would be helpful in identifying grammatically erroneous sentences, choosing the appropriate word and fill in the blanks type of questions:

41. Wont, won’t
Wont: habit
Won’t: will not

42. Right, write, rite, riot
Right: correct, pertaining to a direction
Write: mark on a surface
Rite: a religious ceremony
Riot: disturbance of peace

43. Buy, bye, by
Buy: make a purchase
Bye: go from one round to the next without facing an opponent
By: identifying the agent performing the action

44. Hoard, horde
Hoard: store in advance
Horde: a gathering of people

45. Capitol, capital
Capitol: a building out of which, a government operates
Capital: a city or town that houses the administrative center of a region, wealth

46. Break, brake
Break: separate
Brake: a device to slow down a vehicle (noun); the process of slowing down a moving vehicle (verb)

47. Gorilla, guerilla
Gorilla: the largest living primate, ape
Guerrilla: a small faction that is at war with a significantly larger group and operating in the form of short, surprise attacks

48. Miner, minor, manor
Miner: a person who works at a mine
Minor: lesser in importance (adjective), underage (noun)
Manor: a house

49. Waist, waste
Waist: past of human body below the ribs and above the hips
Waste: unproductive

50. Rational, rationale
Rational: logical (adjective)
Rationale: a set of reasons for a course of action (noun)

51. Whole, hole
Whole: complete
Hole: a gap

52. Reverend, reverent
Reverend: a title for the members of the clergy
Reverent: respectful

53. Two, too
Two: a couple
Too: more than permissible; in addition to

54. Whose, who’s
Whose: belonging to an entity
Who’s: a contraction of ‘who is’

55. Thorough, through, threw
Thorough: detailed
Through: go from one end to another
Threw: past tense of throw

56. Witch, which
Witch: a woman with magic powers
Which: asking for information

57. Scene, seen
Scene: a place where events (real life or otherwise) occur
Seen: past tense of see

58. Patients, patience
Patients: a person registered to receive medical treatment
Patience: capacity to tolerate/accept

59. Accede, exceed
Accede: agree to a request
Exceed: to be greater than

60. Wave, waive
Wave: greeting signal, a body of water curling into arched form
Waive: give up

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