CET 2016 notification is yet to be released. But for those who have decided to take CET 2016 and have already started their preparation in full-swing, a burning issue is effective time management. Here is a list of things that people can possibly try and do to make the most of their time.

1. Cut down your sleep time. You will find a lot of articles that talk about how even four hours sleep is enough for you body. Don’t try this, but you can definitely cut it down a little. It will buy you some crucial time which can be used constructively.

2. Have something to read with you. Always. It can be a novel or a newspaper but carry it with you. Even when it comes to newspapers, be selective. While traveling, its the best thing that one can do.

3. For working professionals, I understand that it is really hard to concentrate after slogging for hours, but an hour every night should be kept aside for CET preparation. Over six days of the week, divide your time well. CET preparation is all about Quant and DI (~50 questions), Reasoning (~100 questions) and Verbal (~50 questions). Try and accommodate all these sections in your preparation plan during the week.

4. Take weekly mocks and analyze. Spend your Sundays preparing for CET 2016. For working professionals, it is very hard to do but think of it as a sacrifice to gain an important milestone in your career.

5. Cut down on all inessential things till CET. Its just a matter of about three months. Read this Forbes article and this Lifehack article to find time management tips.

Dilbert Time Management

6. Make use of technology and web. Store CET preparation material and go through it while commuting.

7. In case you have taken a break, make sure that you use your time well. Its easy to lose focus, sleep for ten hours and pretend that you are studying, but that is not going to help you at all. You can plan your day in this format: Morning – Preparation and revision; Post lunch – Tests and mocks; Evening – Analysis. It works!

8. Develop a regime. Forming a new habit can be really tricky. Recommend reading this awesome book: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg which explores the science behind habit creation and reformation

Exercise time. Spend a few minutes and write down the activities that you do on a normal day. Find out where you can save time and prepare for CET 2016. Though this looks simple on paper, its hard to implement. But you need four factors for success: Ability, Ambition, Integrity and determination. I think I have made my point.

P. S. – Our weekend MAH MBA/MMS CET batches will start from January. Register and enroll.

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