In the next few articles, we will be covering commonly found grammar traps. These will help you crack sentence correction questions. Read these and be a grammar wizard!
Tip 25: Anything, everything, nothing something are always used in a singular context. Example: There isn’t anything precious about this situation with Dulce.
Tip 26: Anyone, everyone, no one, someone are always used in a singular context. Example: Someone has to stand up and be counted during these times.
Tip 27: ‘That’ precedes a part of the sentence which cannot be done away with. ‘Which’ precedes a part of the sentence which is simply another bit of information and so, the sentence won’t be affected even if the phrase is done away with. ‘Which’ is usually preceded by a comma whereas that is a continuation of the original subject. Example: Gems that sparkle often elicit forgiveness. Diamonds, which are expensive, often elicit forgiveness.
Tip 28: Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, etc. cannot come when there is an ‘and’ in between. Example: Tony and myself went for the party. (Incorrect usage)
Tip 29: If there is the pronoun ‘one’ that is used in a sentence, it should be followed by ‘one’ and should not take the gender specific form of ‘his’ or ‘her’. Example: While analyzing a mock, one should understand one’s strengths and weaknesses.
Tip 30: ‘The same’ is not a pronoun. Example: Take some of this medicine and give the same to your brother. (Incorrect usage)
Tip 31: Each other always refers to two persons. Example: Will and Berta are happy in each other’s company.
Tip 32: One another always refers to more than two persons. Example: We should always respect one another.
Tip 33: Either/neither is used to indicate one of the two people. Example: Either you or your neighbor would be benefitted by this product.
Tip 34: Any/none is used to indicate one of more than two people. Example: Any of you cowards want to test their strength with me?
Tip 35: Whenever there is an alternative scenario that you wished for or are visualizing, use ‘were’ irrespective of the status of the subject. Example: If I were the Prime Minister, I would encourage women empowerment. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
Tip 36: Shall is used when there is a simple indication of a future action. Example: I shall go to the office tomorrow.
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