The CAT 2015 registration is open now and you can visit the official website and register yourself for CAT 2015 and also apply to the IIMs. We have prepared a video guiding the applicants step-by-step to complete the entire process and and also, a few things that you need to take care of to successfully complete the entire application process.

You can check out the entire video of the CAT 2015 registration on our channel here:

A few things we would suggest:

1) Keep a scanned copy of your photograph against a white background ready which is less than 80kb in size. If you have a higher resolution photograph, you can use any of the various online editors to bring it down to the required size. I used Picresize to do the same and it is pretty helpful.

2) Keep a scanned copy of your signature against a white background ready. Same rules with regards to size applies to the signature image as well and you can use the same editing tools to re-size it.

3) Check the institutes and the courses that you want to apply to once before leaving the page. There are a lot many options available compared to the previous year because of addition of new institutes.

4) The entire process hardly takes around 20 minutes, so you should be safely done if you have the photograph and the signature ready.

The process to apply to CAT 2015 was  entirely glitch free and no errors of any kind were encountered.

All the best for the process!

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