SNAP 2015 GK Preparation

SNAP 2015 GK Preparation

SNAP 2015 GK Preparation series. GK is a differentiator when it comes to SNAP. Most of the aspirants don’t prepare for the section and end up scoring below expectations. Though one cannot prepare for GK in a month, one can always do things that are enough to do reasonably well in the test. One can prepare topic wise, go through past papers and find the commonly asked GK topics and even take calculated guesses in the test. To help you prepare for SNAP 2015 GK section, we are going to write a series of articles focusing on GK. Every article will also be available in PDF format for download and easy viewing. Let’s dive into our #5 article in this series: Inventors & Inventions.

Often, you will get direct questions on inventors and inventions which can get really confusing. However, there are a few handpicked inventors who feature regularly in entrance tests and so, learning these would dramatically improve your chances of scoring well in such a scenario.

Invention Inventor
Printing press Johann Gutenberg
Compound microscope Zacharias Janssen
Telescope Hans Lippershey
Blood transfusion Jean-Baptiste Denys
Adding machine Blaise Pascal
Reflecting telescope Isaac Newton
Calculating machine Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Bacteria Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Mercury thermometer Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
Steam engine (with separate condenser) James Watt
Bifocal lens Benjamin Franklin
Balloon, hot-air Joseph Michel Montgolfier and Jacques E’tienne Montgolfier
Smallpox vaccination Edward Jenner
Electric battery Count Alessandro Volta
Bicycle (no pedals) Karl D. Sauerbronn
Stethoscope Rene’ Theophile-Hyacinthe Laennec
Electric motor Michael Faraday
Friction match John Walker
Braille printing Louis Braille
Dynamo Michael Faraday
Pistol (revolver) Samuel Colt
Morse code Samuel Finley Breese Morse
Vulcanized rubber Charles Goodyear
Refrigerator Alexander Twining & James Harrison
Elevator (with brake) Elisha Graves Otis
Safety matches J.E. Lundstrom
Internal-combustion engine Sadi Carnot (theory, 1824)
Dynamite Alfred Bernhard Nobel
Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
Cathode ray tube Sir William Crookes
Light Bulb Thomas Alva Edison
Fountain pen Lewis Edson Waterman
Air-inflated rubber tire J.B. Dunlop
Kodak camera George Eastman
Rayon (cuprammonium) Louis Henri Despeissis
Motion picture camera (kinetograph) Thomas Alva Edison, William K. L. Dickson
AC motor Nikola Tesla
Diesel engine Rudolf Diesel
X-ray Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen
Rayon (acetate) Charles Frederick Cross
Wireless telegraph Marchese Guglielmo Marconi
Airplane Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright
Electrocardiograph Willem Einthoven
Plastic synthesized (Bakelite) Leo H. Baekeland
Air conditioning W.H. Carrier
Vitamins Casimir Funk
Insulin Sir Frederick Grant Banting
Penicillin Sir Alexander Fleming
Nylon Wallace Hume Carothers
Color television Peter Carl Goldmark
Structure of DNA described James Watson and Francis Crick
Polio vaccine Jonas Salk
Optical fibers Narinder S. Kapany
Integrated circuit Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce
Light-emitting diode (LED) Nick Holonyak, Jr.
Liquid-crystal display George Heilmeier
First full synthesis of a gene Har Gobind Khorana
Computer (personal) Steve Wozniak
Supercomputer J.H. Van Tassel and Seymour Cray
Compact disc Joop Sinjou, Toshi Tada Doi


Download PDF of this article here: SNAP 2015 GK Preparation – Inventors and Inventions

Practice over 450 GK questions here: General Awareness Course

Read the entire series here: SNAP 2015 GK Preparation

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