We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day

#LRDIoftheDay #39 Complex tables

With almost all the tests looking copies of each other, one of the top institutes in the country decided to conduct an Unconventional Aptitude Test consisting of five sections: Mathematical Ability (MA), Verbal Ability (VA), Logical Ability (LA), Decision Making Ability (DA) and General Ability (GA)

Mr. Nemo Nobody underwent the test as a test candidate and got the following result.

i) It is known that there marking scheme is such that there is one mark for each right answer and one-third of a mark is deducted for each wrong answer. Also, to penalize conservative candidates, there is a negative marking of one-sixth of a mark per un-attempted question

ii) A total of 67 marks were scored by Mr. Nobody and there were a total of 125 attempts

iii) The number of wrong answers in DA is 1/6th of the total number of wrong answers and is double of that in VA

iv) The score in VA is double that in LA

If for any question, you cannot determine the answer uniquely, put a 0 in the text box

1. In which section does Mr. Nobody has the most number of wrong answers? (Mention the code for the particular section)

2. How many marks did Mr. Nobody lose because of incorrect answers?

3. How many questions were attempted by Mr. Nobody in the VA section?

4. What was Mr. Nobody’s score in GA?

The solution:

You may go through our popular courses here (at discounted prices): Full LRDI course for CAT 2017 (Rs. 1750 only) | Full VARC course for CAT 2017 (Rs. 1750 only) | Full Quant course for CAT 2017 (Rs. 3500 only) | CAT 2017 full course (Rs. 6000 only) | Current affairs and GK (Rs. 299 only)



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