Candidates can now download XAT 2016 admit cards. To download XAT 2016 admit cards, click here.
Enter your XAT registration number and date of birth and log in. After logging in, you will be able to view and download XAT 2016 admit card.
Important Instructions
1. XAT 2016 consists of two parts: Part I and Part II. Part I has three sections A, B and C with 26, 23 and 29 questions respectively, i.e. a total of 78 questions. The three sections of Part I are followed by Part II that has 25 questions on General Knowledge followed by an essay.
2. The time for completing the three sections and general knowledge is 210 minutes. You are expected to answer the first three sections in 170 minutes and General Knowledge along with questions in 35 minutes. You are expected to maximize scores in each section. General Knowledge marks would only be used at the time of final selection and not for shortlisting
candidates for interview/GD.
3. All questions carry equal marks. One fourth of a mark may be deducted for each incorrect answer.
4. Leaving a question unattempted may result in a deduction of 0.05 mark. However, this deduction will not be applicable for a maximum of 13 unattempted questions.
5. Each question has five alternatives. Answer each question by darkening the appropriate bubble against the question number on the answer sheet. For example, if your answer to question number 1 is ‘B’, fully darken the bubble ‘B’ against the question.
6. All answers are to be marked only on the (OMR) answer sheet. Use the margin in the test booklet for rough work. No other piece of paper is permitted for rough work.
7. Use only blue or black ball-point pen for marking answers on the OMR answer sheet. Please do not use gel pens or ink pens.
Have a look at XAT 2016 First Page and the significant changes announced in XAT pattern this year. Check out XAT 2016 pattern review as well.