LRDI of the Day #14

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #14 The Film Federation of India chooses a...

LRDI of the Day #13

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #13 Table A below provides data about ages of...

LRDI of the Day #12

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #12 Easy-moderate set. Exactly six dogs—P, Q,...

LRDI of the Day #11

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #11 The regular mathematics faculty could not...

LRDI of the Day #10

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #10 The first table tells us the percentage...
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