41 days to CAT | Paragraph Completion

Paragraph completion questions are among the more difficult questions one encounters in the verbal section in CAT. In these questions, a paragraph is given with the last sentence deleted. Among the 4/5 options given, one option has to be chosen which best fits the...

42 days to CAT 2015 | Chicken McNugget theorem

The chicken McNugget theorem is an interesting concept which has extremely specific applications. The question type asks you to find the largest number which cannot be formed using two or three denominations. Let’s see how to solve these questions. The story behind...

45 days to CAT 2015 | Pick’s theorem

Many a time, you would have been stumped by questions that ask you to calculate the number of points with integral coordinates inside an enclosed region. Let’s see how to solve these questions using a shorter method called the Pick’s theorem. For an uninitiated...
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