56 days to CAT | Time and Work – Part 1

56 days to CAT | Time and Work – Part 1

In this article, we are going to demystify time and work based questions. A lot of aspirants find these questions difficult. In fact, these questions are extremely straightforward once you understand the basic relationship between time and work and decide which method...

57 days to CAT | Simple Interest and Compound Interest

In this article, we will understand how to approach simple interest and compound interest based questions. What is interest? If you borrow money from someone for some time, you will be liable to pay the borrowed principal + interest on that principal. This is because...

58 Days to CAT 2015 | Fact, Inference and Judgement

We have already looked at solving Fact, Inference and Judgement questions in this article: Decoding Fact, Inference and Judgement Questions . Let us revise the concept again. A fact is a statement dealing with information which can be easily verified. It is important...
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