Words of the day – day 4

5 Words. What they mean, where they come from and relevant popular culture or literary references. Build your vocabulary by reading this all in one post. 1. punitive adjective. inflicting or intended as punishment. Pronunciation: [pyoo-ni-tiv] Related: punitively,...

What to read?

I read Ceridwen Dovey’s piece ‘Can reading make you happier?’ in The New Yorker while trying to know more about bibliotherapy. “Reading fiction is one of the few remaining paths to transcendence,” she says, “that elusive state in which the distance between the self...

Words of the day – day 3

5 Words. What they mean, where they come from and relevant popular culture or literary references. Build your vocabulary by reading this all in one post. 1. brindled adjective. gray or tawny with darker streaks or spots Pronunciation: [brin-dld] Related: brindle...

Words of the day – day 2

5 Words. What they mean, where they come from and relevant popular culture or literary references. Build your vocabulary by reading this all in one post. 1. bicker verb. argue about petty and trivial matters / flow or fall with a gentle repetitive noise; patter...

Words of the day – day 1

5 Words. What they mean, where they come from and relevant popular culture or literary references. Build your vocabulary by reading this all in one post. 1. instigate verb. bring about or initiate (an action or event). incite someone to do something, especially...
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