33 days to CAT 2015 | Solving long RC Passages

In this article we will take a look at solving really long RC passages. Long passages are no longer in vogue in CAT as the passages have tended to be shorter in the online avatar of the test.  However, with the instructions in the mock stating that a reading...

41 days to CAT | Paragraph Completion

Paragraph completion questions are among the more difficult questions one encounters in the verbal section in CAT. In these questions, a paragraph is given with the last sentence deleted. Among the 4/5 options given, one option has to be chosen which best fits the...

46 days to CAT 2015 | Punctuation

Although direct questions on application of punctuation in CAT are few and far between, it is still useful to know some of the rules pertaining to usage of punctuation. Here’s a quick little primer: Comma One of the main uses of the comma is to separate words/word...

58 Days to CAT 2015 | Fact, Inference and Judgement

We have already looked at solving Fact, Inference and Judgement questions in this article: Decoding Fact, Inference and Judgement Questions . Let us revise the concept again. A fact is a statement dealing with information which can be easily verified. It is important...
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