71 days to CAT | Last digit and last two digits

These are the commonly found questions in CAT which are easy to solve but then, many aspirants make the mistake of falling into the trap of ‘overthinking’ and ‘oversolving’ these questions and make a mess of simple questions. Finding the last digit of an expression...

72 days to CAT 2015 | Advanced logarithms

In the last article, we saw the basics of logarithms in terms of parts, bases and operations. While most of the time the questions require one to use these concepts and are straightforward yet a bit confusing, there are a few scorchers that can turn up from this area....
75 days to CAT 2015 – Introduction to logarithms

75 days to CAT 2015 – Introduction to logarithms

One can easily expect questions on simple applications of logarithms in CAT and other entrance exams. In this article, we will be covering the basic concept of logarithm and various rules that one must be aware of to solve logarithm based questions. In simple words,...

Escalator questions – Part 2 | CAT 2015

In the previous post, we saw escalator questions pertaining to movement of an individual along or opposite an escalator. In this concluding post, I will try to explain movement of two individuals along an escalator. The basics remain the same as was discussed in the...
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