CAT 2017 review – Slot 2

For the third time in a row, CAT had a difficult Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation section, easy Quantitative Ability section, and a moderate Verbal Ability section. Here goes the CAT 2017 analysis and review – Slot 2 from my side. I had my test venue in...

LRDI of the Day #49

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #49 A company started manufacturing solar power...

LRDI of the Day #48

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #48 Easy one for today The following pie charts...

TISS Past Year Papers for Download (Free)

To help you in your TISS preparation, we are putting up the 2014, 2016 and 2017 papers for free download. All of these papers have the answers mentioned along with the questions. Hope this helps! Do share with others if you find it useful. TISS 2014 Paper TISS 2016...

LRDI of the Day #47

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #47 In cricket, the term batting average gives...

LRDI of the Day #46

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #46 A set on combinations Mr. Incredible, in a...

LRDI of the Day #45

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #45 Felonius Gru has 15 different Rubik’s cubes...

LRDI of the Day #44

We will be solving interesting sets as a part of this series LRDI of the Day. I will be posting a video solution by the end of the day. You can keep a track of all the sets by clicking here: LRDI of the Day #LRDIoftheDay #44 A replica of probably the toughest set of...
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